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ICare Coventry Ltd news page will aim to provide you with the most up-to-date news in the industry, in addition to information about us and other interesting items.
Care home owner Anchor becomes real Living Wage employer
Anchor, England’s largest not-for-profit provider of care and housing for older people, has become an accredited real Living Wage employer. Source: Care Feeds
Warm banks open up in care homes 'to ease winter freeze' for over 65s
‘Warm banks’ for people aged 65+ have been opened by care home operator Excelcare to give the elderly “refuge from the cold” and the cost-of-living crisis this winter. Source: Care Feeds
5 minutes with Mark Aitchison CEO and group finance director of Colten Care
Mark Aitchison is the chief executive and group finance director of Colten Care which owns and operates care homes in the south. Source: Care Feeds
Care home residents could get legal right to see visitors
Care home residents may soon have the legal right to see visitors but the care sector argues it faces being “vilified” on this issue when “we’re trying our very best.” Source: Care Feeds